Monday, February 2, 2009


Hello all, my name is Abby and I am so excited to show you what I create. For Christmas I received a sewing machine, and that is the start! This is the first bag I have made all by myself. This is so much fun!!


Angela Yosten said...

Great Job Abby! So glad to see you enjoy sewing! psst... just tell your mom that now you need all the "Learn to Sew" items from Moda ;) Can't wait to see what else you create!

Jenna Z said...

Awww, that looks aweseme! Way to go and lucky you to get a new sewing machine, I always got my mom's hand-me-down machine until I was out on my own. :)

Abby said...

I got my memiere's hand me down from the 1970s.

Codi said...

i love your purse, its really cute. did you make it reversible? it looks like it could be. i'm guessing your the one whose looking for xmas fabrics, i told your mom i would send some and those will go into the mail tomorrow, you'll have a squishie headed your way pretty soon. have fun!

Deb said...

Hi Abby !

Welcome to the wonderful world of sewing ! I started sewing in the summer of my 6th Grade and haven't stopped since!! And now I'm 51 !!YIKES!!, that's hard to write. 51.
I think it's awesome that you've entered into this wonderful craft.

What brand/type of sedwing machine do you have? I'd love to see a picture of it! Could you take/post a picture?

Good Luck with all the fun things you'll be making !!

Debbie Myers
Batavia, Illinois