Friday, February 27, 2009

Wishing it was Spring FQ Swap!!

I got my package from AwtemNymf the other day. We have all been sick since school vacation started so sorry for not posting it sooner. Here is what she got me, I love it, THANK YOU!!!!!!


AwtemNymf said...

Hi Abby!! I'm so glad to hear that the package arrived to you! I couldn't stop at just one. Especially since that fabric is popular and sold out in a lot of places. Plus- you can never have too many faeries! Also- the Disney Faeries fabric is from the lady herself- that I bought the others from. She was so impressed with your eagerness to learn to sew that she sent those to you from her! Have fun with the fabric and let me know what you come up with! I hope you all feel better soon!
Hugs & Faerie Dust!

AwtemNymf said...

ps- may i please have permission to post these pics on my blog too? I had the seller ship them directly to you so I never was able to snap a photo myself!

Karen from Sew Many Ways... said...

Hi Abby,
Just found your blog and it's great. I love the fabrics that you just received and all you sewing projects too. Keep up the great work! I'm off to be one of your followers!

Funoldhag said...

Abby, I found a link to your blog on Karen's Journey of a Quilter. Wow, I think you are doing such a great job at such a tender age. Think of what you will be doing when you are 80 years old like me! I started young, too, and show no signs of letting up on my quilting. I am going to add this Funoldhag to your list. Enjoy this adventure - it is an awesome ride.

Sipiweske Quilts said...

You go girl! Love the monkey bag and your fabric . . . looking forward to seeing your first quilt. - Marlene

Anonymous said...

Your fabric and design are amazing. I like that monkey bag.


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